Sunday, March 18, 2012

March Madness

 A friend of mine gave us pots that her workplace was pitching.  There were a total of 5 pots. 2 small and three large.  The large pots are 18 inches tall and two feet wide.  Below is a photo of two of the large pots.  They even came with soil.  Thanks Cat.

Just when you thought the mulch was gone.  A whole new truck load.  This batch seems to be a little more finely chipped up.  Again, I will say to all the Nay Sayer's of using fresh wood chips for mulch, run on.

The Forsythia is blooming like mad this year.  I cannot say enough good things about this plant.  It is perfect for us here at Ghetto Gardens.  Its easy to come by, hard to kill, and easy to control.  If it gets out of control, or looking a little sad, cut it to the ground.  It might not be good for the plant according to a Master gardener, but it is my experience, it always comes back, and the plant doesn't seem to mind. 

I would also like to add that Forsythia is easy to start.  You can find starts coming up around the plant.  You can also pin a branch to the ground and it will take root.  Some even say a cutting will take root in a glass of water.  So if your neighbor or friend have a Forsythia bush, they will be more than happy to give you a start.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The reinvention project.

Welcome to the new blog.  We have a new name and address, but at the end of the day, we will always be Ghetto gardens in our hearts.  The only reason for the move was technical problems, so my apologies and thank you for finding me.

Here is a small recap of what was going on, before the problems.  
I scored a monster pile of free fresh wood chips.

 I got busy immediately spreading the mulch.

 And after a couple of days, and a bad back, viola.

I had a few blooms to report.  The orchid finally started to bloom.

 This is the new edition to the family, Orange Prince Philodendron.

 The daffodils are in full bloom all over the yard.

 The following two pictures are of daffodils named Ice Follies.

 I wanted to share the stack of fencing that I scored the other day.  24 sections, totally free.  Yes they need a little work, but trust me, they will barely resemble their former self when I get finished.  I will keep you posted.

On a final note, I wanted to mention that it will take me some time to get this blog back together so bare with me.